Does visiting the dentist make you anxious? Sedation dentistry can help! 

Feel comfortable and receive your treatments with ease by choosing sedation dentistry. 

Diamond Dental Family and Implant Dentistry offers sedation dentistry in Austin, Texas, to relieve your dental anxiety and discomfort and help you receive the treatments you need without stress. If you feel anxious or fearful when visiting our office, speak with Dr. Tom Supakorndej about our sedation options. We will do everything we can to help you feel comfortable, and will work with you to determine the best type of sedation dentistry for you.

Give us a call today at 512-351-9313 to schedule your consultation with our caring dentist and learn more about how you can benefit from sedation dentistry!

Sedation dentistry involves using medication to help you feel calmer, more relaxed, and more comfortable during your appointments with Dr. Tom Supakorndej. Sedation dentistry is extremely safe, and our team will monitor you closely during your appointment to ensure that you do not experience any complications. Sedation dentistry is often an excellent choice for patients who experience anxiety, have had negative experiences with the dentist in the past, have a strong gag reflex, or who have difficulty getting numb.

Before providing you with sedation dentistry, Dr. Tom Supakorndej will meet with you in an individual consultation to discuss your medical history, oral health needs, and other relevant factors. This will help us determine if you are a good candidate for sedation, and which type of sedation you should receive.

There are several types of sedation dentistry commonly offered, including:

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) – a mild sedative that works via inhalation. Simply inhale this gas to feel more relaxed! The effects wear off when you stop inhaling, so you can safely drive yourself home.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation – we will provide you with an oral medication which you can take before your appointment. By the time you reach the dental chair, you will feel completely relaxed. Patients who receive oral sedation will need to have someone available to drive them home.
  • IV Sedation – a type of sedation administered through the veins (intravenous). IV sedation is highly effective and works quickly to help you feel comfortable. You may feel like you slept through your appointment and not remember the details about your treatment, and will need someone to drive you home after your appointment.

If you have questions about sedation dentistry, please feel free to call our office.